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Nesting with Wool!

A nesting ball is great accessory for your yard and is suitable for all nesting birds. These nesting balls can be left out in the weather, as wool dries out quickly after the rain. Birds don't mind it getting wet either. Our balls and stars come with a sturdy hang cord along with 100% un-dyed, washed Shetland wool.  Grapevine shell can be reused year after year if brought in for the winter.

If you enjoy helping the birds in your yard, try putting out some nesting material for them to use!

Nesting Ball

4" Ball - $4.00
6" Ball - $8.00
8" Ball - $12.00

Nesting Star

6" Star - $4.00
10" Star - $8.00
16" Star  - $12.00

Cat Toys / Dryer Balls

Since cats react to wool in a way similar to the way they react to catnip, we know that your cat will have a howling good time with one of our 100% felted, "drug free" cat toys.

Not only that, but this toy has nine lives, just like your cat. If your cat destroys it, it is easily repaired in your washer and dryer. You can also roll it in some catnip for extra fun!

These balls are also a great alternative to chemical dryer sheets. They soften your laundry naturally without any of the chemicals of conventional fabric softeners. Assorted colors.

Medium Ball - $3.00
Large Ball - $6.00

Nesting Ball or Star Refill

Don't throw your nesting ball away when it's empty! You can refill it with this bag of washed, un-dyed Shetland fleece.

Bag measures in 6x9 and will refill the large ball once and the smaller ones twice.

Bag Refill - $5.00

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